Routine Health Care

Our vets can perform a wide range of services at your yard including vaccinations, microchipping, basic dentistry, health checks, lameness evaluation, radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy and gastroscopy.

Routine visits for any of the above can be booked in advance by telephoning the office. We will always try our best to accommodate any time constraints you have.

We appreciate that for some clients it is easier to bring their horses to us, and we are able to offer all of our routine health care services here at the clinic.

Occasionally it may be deemed necessary for your horse to come into the clinic for further diagnostics and/or treatments, enabling us to take advantage of the facilities and equipment available only on-site, or if intensive care or surgery are necessary.

The map below shows the geographical area we routinely cover, and the different regions for visit pricing. Please note that the map is for illustration purposes only and is not exact.

The travel cost for each visit region is shown below:

Horse out in paddock
Map of visit areas

Zone One


Zone Two


Zone Three


Zone Four


Zone Five

(immediately outside of Zone Four)


Our vets do and will perform veterinary work outside of the mapped area under specific circumstances. Please call the clinic for further information or to arrange an appointment.

If you are unsure which visit region you are in, please call the clinic for clarification.

We also provide zone visits for routine procedures at a reduced call out fee of £15 per client. We have five zones, with one zone being covered each day. Your geographical location will determine which day of the week you are able to book a zone visit for. Please see the map below for guidance.

Routine zone visits include:

  • Vaccinations.
  • Routine dental work, manual teeth rasps and wolf teeth removal.
  • Blood samples.
  • Mite/antihistamine injections.
  • Initial lameness examinations.
  • Stitch removals.
  • Bandage changes.
  • Microchips and passport IDs.
  • Health checks such as elderly pony MOTs.

There will be a limited number of zone visits per day and they will be allocated on a first come first served basis. To qualify for a zone visit, your account must be up to date.

The route that the vet will take will be planned to be the most geographically efficient and clients should therefore be available to fit in around this schedule. We are unable to accommodate timed calls for zone visits.

We will give a two-hour time window the evening before, or the morning of the visit via phone call or text message. Please be aware that this may change in the case of an emergency.

There must be a suitable person available to hold each horse, and all horses/ponies must be stabled/caught prior to the vet arriving, so that they are ready and waiting for the vet to begin upon arrival.

All zone visits must be booked via reception on 01451 820137 or online before 12pm the day before the visit (or Saturday morning for a Monday visit) and must specify which procedures are required.

Vets are unable to perform additional procedures on the day. Emergency visits will NOT be zone visits.